Monday 31 July 2023


Ginny and Rich worked on the path running from the Old Tythe Barn to Common Bank Wood.

Cutting back rampant balsam, brambles and rhododendron, and path levelling were the tasks. 

Today's work was funded through a legacy from Bruce John McGreevy who was a life long member of the Ramblers. 

 The details

In the time since this path was identified as needing a cut-back, the balsam has completely taken over!

Ginny making a start on the path up from the Tythe Barn

Now easily passable.

We then went over the stile to clear yet more balsam and vegetation. 

We also levelled a section of the path that was on a steep bank and cleared some steps higher up. 

Also completed over the last few days was the refurbishment of the very dilapidated information board at the top of Heptonstall village. The old one had rotted and most of the information was out of date and unreadable. The materials for the refurbishment were funded by Heptonstall Parish Council. 

Backboard replaced, frame stripped down and varnished - all ready for new info.