Friday 4 August 2023

TODMORDEN: off Knotts Road (session 1)

 Knotts Road

Ideal conditions prevailed for Mick, Kasher and Frank H to work on the short section of footpath (Todmorden 087) that links Knotts Road with the track (Todmorden 086) that goes through the lower section of Knotts Wood. 

The aim was place marker-posts at strategic points along the 'desire line' of this path and to construct steps to help walkers negotiate some of the more precipitous sections.

The work was funded by Calderdale Highways.

The details

1. Steps

The dappled sunlight in this sheltered, wooded location may have made for ideal working conditions but the task was beset by three problems - midges, rocky ground and roots galore. Time to break out the 'Jungle Formula' repellent, flex some muscles and be prepared to sweat!

Here's how the work progressed . . . and it progressed slowly!

The start:

Typical section of path needing steps. Going up is possible for the sure-footed but descending is a precarious venture!

Some sweat later:

One riser is already in place and a stob hole for the second riser is now being created by Frank . . . which roughly means:- take a good stance, keep the back straight, drive the heavy bar downwards vertically and vigorously . . . then repeat until the ground submits!

Nothing like putting your backs (or is it backsides?) into it! The ground is being prepared for the third step which was very difficult to fit. Some tweaking in the form of diagonal pinning may be needed next week.

Towards the end of the session:

Three steps in place. About four more steps and a lot of landscaping will be needed to create a right-hand curve that negotiates the tangle of roots and stone. Next week might be a case of deja-vu!

Overall, we were happy with the progress. It might have been low on quantity (usually, in a day, we'd install twice as many steps) but it scored highly on quality.

2. Marker posts

While Mick and Frank H worked on the steps. Kasher expended a similar amount of energy by installing one short, yellow-topped marker-post and digging preparatory holes for others. Photographs of these will be available next week.

Many thanks to the local householder who provided refreshment. Your timing was excellent - the coffee arrived just as we were flagging!