Thursday, 26 January 2023


With RJ not available today, after having had an operation on his foot, Fred and Kasher were allowed out by themselves!

We ventured out of Todmorden to work in an area which does not know whether it is Luddenden Foot, Sowerby Bridge or Halifax!

Our initial task was to sort out a revetment along the mill race from Ripley Terrace, Luddenden Foot, to the footpath SB 031 through Roebucks Wood. This is likely to be a new RoW (RoW modification 07D). This revetment, one of a number along the mill race, was no longer supporting the edge of the path. The timber had bowed and there was a significant gap under the rail. A number of additional pieces of timber were added and new stobs inserted to give support to both the old rail and the new timbers. The pathway was then infilled with flat stones and the path topped off with packed down soil. 

1. The revetment resembling a banana.

2. The strengthened revetment
with stone infilling on the path.

3. The completed repair.

This will certainly be safer for the many walkers who use this route. We will go back in a few months to refill this area once the soil has settled.

We then walked along the mill race and to the boardwalk on the footpath Halifax 538. Here the stream had been backing up and overflowing onto the footpath as the water was unable to go over the weir due to a build up of debris and autumn leaves. We cleared the metal fence of the debris and deepened the stream. We cleared under the boardwalk to allow water to flow more freely. This should allow the footpath and the boardwalk to dry out. 

4. The boardwalk/bridge on Halifax 538.

5. Fred clearing the stream bed and
creating a better pathway to the

On our way back, a set of stone steps at the bottom of footpath Sowerby Bridge 031was cleared of vegetation and leaves.

6. The cleared stone steps.

Today's work was funded by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.