Friday 10 June 2022

TODMORDEN - Robin Wood and Lower Moor

There were two teams out from Todmorden today: Ian V and Mick crossed the border to work in Blackshaw Head. Ken, Neil M, Catherine and Kasher worked in two areas: Robin Wood, above Lydgate, and on Lower Moor, off Tower Causeway.

The bridge on Todmorden 085, the track above Fiddlers Bridge and immediately below Eagle's Crag, has been in a bad condition for many months. Calderdale Highways have recently provided some funds for this bridge to be repaired. However it was difficult to see how much work really needed to be done until all the cross-treads/slats were removed and the stringers/main beams were revealed.

Inspecting the bridge

Ken and half a bridge

Today all of the cross-treads on this bridge were removed and the structure examined. It will be necessary to replace all of the timbers of this bridge. The area was made safe and a temporary crossing point established slightly further upstream. Notices warning walkers of the closure of the bridge were posted on nearby paths.  We hope to be able to rebuild this bridge in the very near future once appropriate timbers have been sourced.

Warning notices were posted.

The bridge now dismantled.

A marker post uphill from the bridge was re-established.

The team then moved on to re-establish, waymark and paint the marker posts on Tod 077 from near Roundfield to Tower Causeway. We will need to return to add in two more posts on this route.

Ken removing one of the posts.

Catherine in Picasso mode.

Today's work was funded by Calderdale Council and by individual donations to CROWS.