Saturday 11 June 2022

TODMORDEN - Langfield Common

Earlier in the week, a CROWS team worked on the route between the Shepherds' Rest and Gaddings Dam. Marker posts on the route, including the Pennine Bridleway, were given a new coat of paint. Unfortunately two of the posts were painted yellow rather than the required 'bridleway blue'. 

However, a Saturday morning dash to repaint the two posts quickly rectified matters.

A well-worn post on a major 'crossroad'.

Pennine Bridleway post.

A clearly visible re-painted post and, on the distant
horizon, a just-about-discernible Stoodley Pike . . .
. . . if you have the eyes of a hawk!.

Many thanks to the concerned user of the bridleway who brought this issue to our attention. Happy cycling.