Wednesday 25 May 2022

TODMORDEN - Langfield Common

On an extremely wet and windy day RJ, Fred and Kasher returned to Langfield Common. Last week's work in this area indicated that there were a number of marker posts missing and some problems with drainage.

Can you see the next marker post?

We replaced two marker posts on Todmorden 157 - hopefully these will not just become additional rubbing posts for the cattle on this moor! The areas where cattle had broken down the drainage channels, and the turn-bys, were cleared.

Marker post near Blarney Castle.

Fred and marker post on Tod 158.

We then moved on to Todmorden 158 (Withens New Road) to improve the way marking and to try to improve the drainage. We worked on an impressive set of drainage ditches and culverts along this path and, hopefully, have persuaded the water to return to its original channels. Further work will be needed here.

Richard unearthing an impressive culvert.

A rapid visit to the area at the junction of the Bridleway and Todmorden 156 near Blarney Castle indicated a need to replace/reposition a marker post and improve the way marking along the route towards Gaddings Dam via the Basin Stone. We will return to this on a drier day.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.