Wednesday, 6 April 2022

MYTHOLMROYD: 'twixt Wood Hey Lane and Carr Lane, and above Old Chamber

Ian S and Frank H worked in the Mytholmroyd area on a day that started grey and drizzly but eventually became bright and sunny. Hooray! It was, however, a session of exasperation as a series of relatively straightforward jobs became a succession of 'this-will-take-much-longer-than-we-thought' tasks!

i) Stile between Wood Hey Lane and Carr Lane

Start of session:

Here's the stile:

*The bottom wires of the stockfence  (on right of picture) have been forced up and the short rail that blocked a lamb-sized gap has been knocked out of position. Wonder who would do that?

*The top cross-rail is very high above the top step.

*The step-down distance from the lowest step to the ground is large - partly because of water erosion.

*There is no dog-gate.

Final outcome:

*Cross-rail positions adjusted.

*Dog-gate brackets, side piece and lift-rail added. The lift rail has a grab-loop and it's top is virtually flush with the top of the cross-rail otherwise this narrow stile would be difficult to negotiate.

*Lower platform step constructed. Hence, much easier 'step-ups' (and downs) now. The top treadboard is showing signs of decay and will need replacing in a year or so.

*Stockfence has been straightened and re-fixed with a new 'bottom board'.

ii) Odds and ends

There are three more stiles along the footpath (Hebden Royd 045) up to and over Wood Hey Lane. We fixed two slightly loose treadboards and added a grab loop to the 'lift' an existing old (and very heavy!) dog-gate. No pictures but as in task i) carrying out retro-fits to existing structures is never straightforward!

iii) Markerpost above Old Chamber

This markerpost at the junction of
Bridleways and Footpaths has seen
better days!
Some time later!

In a repetition of the mornings efforts, it took a disproportionate amount of time to get the remains of the old post out of the ground and to dig a deep enough hole through stony layers for the new post. The original installers had done a first class job - the only consolation was that our efforts were equally efficient. Watch this space for comments in fifteen years time when our work may need replacing!!

The funding for today's tasks was provided by Little Box Consulting. Many thanks.