A gang of seven (magnificent or otherwise) out today:-
Mick, Frank H, Frank S, Nigel, Ian, Ginny and Gerald. The task was to replace a footbridge over a stream in Noah Dale** which runs along the Heptonstall-Blackshaw Head boundary. Noah Dale is taxing even for experienced walkers. On a poor day its remote, featureless, boggy terrain makes for difficult walking and uncertain navigation. Fortunately we had a dry day on the back of several weeks of unusually dry weather. Hooray!
The first task was to carry all the timber and tools across the moorland to what remained of the bridge. Mick described it as a pleasant, leisurely, 30 min stroll carrying a few items. Reality was double . . . double the time, double the load and double the effort!
The work party lifting tools and timber over a stile |
The ruined footbridge collapsed into a gully |
The bridge is partly rotted but enough can be salvaged to construct a short-span (and possibly short-term) crossing suitable for dry conditions. The original (longer) footbridge will also be rebuilt to provide walkers with a permanent, all-weather alternative.
Frank H and Gerald dismantle the old bridge while Ian and Nigel construct steps for the new short-span position. |
Measuring-up to make best economical use of old but sound material. |
Moving the shortened stringer to the new position. |
One stringer in place on the recycled bearers. |
It's a work in progress! More pictures to follow after the next session.
Meanwhile the synchronised digging squad produced a ditch to divert water so that the approach area to the bridges would be able to dry out prior to the next phase of construction.
Frank S:- deadly with an azad! |
On the command! One, Two, Three . . . Dig! |
The next stage involves a delivery by CALVAG of stringers (4.5 m x 125 mm x 125 mm) and other items that some strong, fit, young volunteers will carry (probably at a jog) across the moor to the worksite. Good luck, guys!
(NB: ** Noah Dale. Named after Noah the biblical character adrift on an endless ocean in a wooden boat carrying two of every creature. Mmm! ... Two termites, two deathwatch beetles, two woodpeckers! ... a wooden boat! ... no land in sight! . . . !!!)