Wednesday, 20 June 2018


Bernard, Dick, Frank H, Fred, Gerald, Paul and RJ were available today.

Dick, Frank H and Gerald worked on in-house tasks at White Ribbon.

Dick serviced, cleaned and test-ran all the strimmers. An impressive mechanical performance:- he now has the title 'CROWS strimmer-man, in chief''!

Frank H and Gerald did mainly 'timber' work. Namely:

  • A selection of waymarker posts were cut and their shaped tops painted. 
  • A stock of standard cross-treads, risers and stobs were cut:- the storage rack is now full! 
  • Cross-treads and stobs specific to Mick C's Noah Dale footbridges were cut to specifications and bagged-up ready for transport. Mmm! Hope there is plenty of willing muscle for the trek over Hoof Stones Height!
  • A cluttered alcove containing various wire netting, pipework and signs was cleared out and the items re-stored to facilitate access and optimise working space.

No pictures were taken:- stobs, posts and cross-tread have limited photogenic appeal!

The others disappeared into the depths of Cragg Vale. Details of their mission may appear later!