Friday, 8 September 2017


Ian and Rich worked on a path that drops down from Heights Road to Midgley Road. Appalling forecast which didn't materialise!

The path was a bog, but people had been walking around it. Our job was to improve the 'bypass'.

The first job at the top was to level the path by removing the spoil from an old badger sett - an awful lot of it! Then moving down, we met the bog.

The alternative path route was difficult to see if you didn't know (you can make out the mire on the right)

Route cleared on a higher line and marker post put in

Two wooden steps and stone steps to make it easier and a marker  post to tell you go this way, do not attempt to follow the Right of Way

Lower down, the route went into a gully down a slippery slope on to a rotten boardwalk

Three steps put in and two stepping stones across the gully
Below the gully, the path was narrow so it has been widened.

Brambles and over hanging trees all cut back as well.