Wednesday, 19 February 2025

SOWERBY - Wood Lane

 Clare, Steve and Rich had several jobs to do on the Sowerby 67 path. Two waymark posts, extra waymarking at the river bridge and lots of cutting back (mainly brambles). Today's work was funded by the Sowerby Residents' Association. 

The details

The path wasn't waymarked from the canal towpath so a low waymark post was added. 

Several waymarks were added on the route alongside Tenterfield business park. 

 On the Sowerby side of the river, the path forks so a waymark post was added to the public footpath (the other route runs alongside the river for a short distance but peters out). 

 We had a report some time ago that the path at the bottom of Wood Lane was overgrown with brambles. Someone had kindly given them a 'haircut', but we worked our way down the path pulling up the bramble plants which should check future regrowth. 

A lovely sunken walled path, now free of brambles

Walking back the length of the path, we dealt with a lot of encroaching brambles and bushes. 

Then it was on to Crow Nest Road to complete the drainage task we worked on a few weeks ago. The drain we had worked on was still flowing, so the job today was to clear the gully to two further drains. 

To prevent mud and mulch being washed across the track, the idea was to get as much of the water that seeps down the hillside into a channel and a drain.


The track was scraped and by the time we left, water was heading down the gully into a drain.