Wednesday, 5 February 2025


The path below Midgley that leads down to Brearley traverses a very steep slope. It is narrow and uneven so unsuspecting walkers who had to turn back reported the problem to us. Andy, Andrew, Ian S and Rich went to widen and level the path to make it much less scary!

Today's work was funded by Midgley Community Forum.

The details

Most of the work was widening and levelling but we also had to deal with two fallen trees, an awkward stream crossing and pesky brambles making trip hazards. 

Because of the precarious slope, we did plenty of risk assessments. Nobody fell off the path and no tools were lost, but a day-sack with the safety rope did take a short dive down the slope. 

Today's work was funded by Midgley Community Forum.

No great photos today, but a short video.



Ian rescuing the bag - the photo doesn't reflect the true steepness of the slope

Many thanks to Mark who provided Ian with a safety rope to get down to rescue our safety day-sack (we recognise the irony here!)

Stop press, Blizzard blanket on its way back to depot.