A team of four (RJ, Kasher, Jan and Andrew) returned to Todmorden 073, a footpath that cuts across the moor from Flower Scar Road to Tower Causeway.
Funding has been received from Reaps Moss Wind Farm to replace a number of boardwalks and to repair others across this moor.
One new boardwalk was built last Friday. Today we managed to construct one completely new 3 m boardwalk and to fettle up a number of the older ones. The boardwalks have been in place for 10-12 years but have started to sink into the peat bog. Consequently, we have raised the boardwalks; inserted larger bearers below the stringers; put (where possible) the bearers onto a stone base; replaced damaged cross-treads; added staples to all the cross-treads and installed kickboards - the latter might help to limit the damage that bikes and motorbikes are causing to the ends of boardwalks. This right-of-way is designated as a footpath -and not a bridleway.
There will be at least another two sessions in this area to build additional boardwalks and repair others.
Many thanks to Reaps Moss Wind Farm for funding this work.
Tod 073 across Todmorden Moor. |
It's a long carry towards the original boardwalks! |
Andrew and Jan (supervised by RJ) starting on the construction of a new boardwalk. |
Jan fixing the bearer to the stringers. |
Jan and Andrew repairing one of the old boardwalks. New cross-treads, bearers and kickboards have been added. |
Jan and Andrew inserting stobs to anchor the new boardwalk in place. |
Boardwalk complete . . . nearly! |
RJ, dismantling one of the old boardwalks. One new and one renovated boardwalk visible on LHS of the picture. |
RJ and Jan checking one of the old boardwalks: unfortunately one of the stringers is rotten - replacement will be needed. |
A new and a repaired boardwalk realigned across the moor. Two old boardwalk yet to be re-positioned. |
Realigned boardwalks on slightly drier ground. |