Friday, 13 December 2024

TODMORDEN -Todmorden Moor -Session 3

Today saw our third session on Todmorden Moor. RJ, Catherine and Kasher spent the day building one new boardwalk; dismantling, rebuilding and repositioning some of the older boardwalks; and completing the new boardwalk whose construction was started earlier in the week.

We would like to thank Mick and Gareth who started their working day by helping out with the carry of all the timber and tools from Tower Causeway to the worksite. We hope your feet have dried out!

We will need another two sessions here to build one more boardwalk; replace the damaged cross-treads on existing boardwalks; reposition some of the existing boardwalks; add bearers and kickboards where necessary; fix staples to all the boardwalks and . . . .  clear away the old wood after de-nailing (the most wearying task of all!).

Today's work has been funded by Reaps Moss Wind Farm. Many thanks.

Tod 073, the footpath between Tower Causeway and Flower Scar Road.

Mick and Gareth abandoning us on Tod Moor . . .  to go and find
some more exciting jobs in Tod!

RJ and Kasher with the timbers and tools needed for
the day . . . and atmospheric cloud in the distant valley.

RJ fixing anchoring stobs to the boardwalk.
The perspective is deceiving - the boardwalk is horizontal!

Catherine levelling the new boardwalk.

The new boardwalk (cross-treads yet to be stapled). The stringers
are 3.6 m (12ft) long so a central long stob has been
added to reduce 'bounce'.

Kasher sorting out the last few cross-treads
on the boardwalk.

A restored and repositioned boardwalk.
Note the staples which should improve underfoot grip.

The boardwalks across the moor are starting to define a 'bog-free'
path (relatively!). Note the pile of rotten timber near the marker post.
The post itself will need painting but the scrap will be removed.