Friday, 6 December 2024

TODMORDEN - Obadiah Wood & Todmorden Moor

Richard J & Catherine were team 1 out in Todmorden on the first Friday in December. Their first stop was a quick visit to Obadiah Wood above Cornholme where boardwalks have been constructed making the boggy path passable. It just remained to peg down some geotextile and add a final piece of siderail. The team then removed unused timber from the site and moved onto the next job. No photos were taken as they forgot to take their phones!

Then it was up Carr Road and onto Todmorden Moor. The site had already been visited by CROWS earlier in the day and timber was waiting for them (see separate blog). Fortunately they weren't yet bored of boardwalks as here there are lots. Some need fully replacing, some may be repairable and at least one new one is required. Today the team assembled one new boardwalk and surveyed the existing ones.

The work was funded by Active Calderdale (Obadiah Wood) and Reaps Moss Wind Farm (Tod Moor). Many thanks. 

The existing boardwalks are extremely slippery
and parts of them are rotting. None of them are safe to cross!

Richard dismantles one of the old boardwalks.
Some parts are not completely rotten and we
may be able to reuse some timber.

The team make use of an existing boardwalk on which to construct a new one.
Unfortunately they soon realise they haven't brought enough nails . . . whoops!

Hmm can't leave it like this. 
Richard pops back to base to get more nails.

While Catherine admires the view!

Nail box replenished the boardwalk takes shape. 
But ... one more cross-tread needed!
It's one of those days!

No time to get more cross-treads today but
 plenty of staples were added to prevent slippage.
Lots more work to do here! We'll be back.