Saturday, 16 November 2024


 On a slightly damp and overcast day there were three teams out from Todmorden:

Team 1:    Ian V and Mick, building revetment on Tod 029 below Scraper Lane (above Hole Bottom). We had worked on this route in early October but decided that installing revetment would make it safer. The path narrows where it passes a felled tree and has a steep drop on one side. Holding onto the tree roots helps . . . but is not the ideal technique!

Team 2:    RJ, Catherine and David building boardwalks on Tod 060 near to Obadiah Wood. In two previous sessions (on 6 and 8 November) we constructed one boardwalk and a set of steps. Today's work is described in a separate blog. We still have one more boardwalk and a couple of steps to build; hopefully next Friday (snow permitting!).

Team 3:     Jerry and Kasher, putting in marker posts, waymarking, clearing leafmold from a track, and strimming and cutting-back a walled lane. The footpaths are Tod 088 and Tod 089; all near Rake Hey Farm just below Springs on the TCW. We had been asked by Calderdale Highways to improve the waymarking in this area and to see if we could find a solution to reduce the number of the bikes leaving the bridleway (which is the TCW) to go down the footpaths towards Stoney Royd Lane and Todmorden.

Today's work was funded by individual donations to CROWS (for team 1); by Active Calderdale (for team 2), and by Calderdale Highways (for team 3). Many thanks.

Tod 029 below Scrapers Lane.

Works around Rake Hey.

Boardwalk building near Obadiah Wood, Cornholme.

Team 1:

"Mmm! Do we need long or extra long stobs?"

Mick fitting the revetment to a very fragile and
steep bank . . . . hence the extra long stobs.

Job done! This stabilises the narrow
footpath that passes the felled tree .

Team 3

A four-way marker post installed.

Scraping leaves and mud off a lovely setted track.

Jerry cutting back and strimming the walled lane
up to Rake Hey. If you walk here take care as
many large stones have tumbled off the wall top.

Way marking improvements.