Friday, 15 November 2024

TODMORDEN: Above Cornholme: Obadiah Wood (session 3)

RJCatherine and David  were Team 2 out in Todmorden on Friday 15 November. They undertook phase three of building boardwalks on Tod 060 near to Obadiah Wood. In the two previous sessions (on 6 and 8 November) we constructed one boardwalk and a set of steps. Today's work entailed building a second boardwalk over the drainage ditch. We still have one more boardwalk and a couple of steps to build; hopefully next Friday.

Today's work was funded by Active Calderdale - many thanks.

First job was to remove stones from the site.
The drainage ditch was then widened and deepened.

The team then constructed the boardwalk.
David adds the last couple of lats.

The boardwalk is positioned over the ditch.
RJ checks it's nice and level.

Stobs are added to keep the
boardwalk in place.

Side rails are nailed on. Then Catherine
hammers in staples to improve the foothold.

All done!

The final boardwalk, due to be done next Friday,
will be the same size and a continuation of this one.