Friday, 8 November 2024

TODMORDEN-Above Cornholme: Obadiah Wood (session 2)

 RJ, David and Kasher returned to this popular path (Tod 060) near Obadiah Wood above Cornholme to continue the improvements started earlier in the week (see Blog of 6 November). 

During the first session we built one section of boardwalk. Today we constructed a set of steps at one end of the boardwalk and a step platform at the other end. 

We will return next week to install the other two boardwalks and the length of revetment which is needed on this route. We will also improve the path at the entrance to Obadiah Wood. Hopefully, the steps constructed today will have been used over the next week so we will be able to consolidate the tread area if any settlement has occurred.

We have also reviewed the nearby path which has just been accepted onto the Definitive List (marked in blue on the map below). Over the coming weeks, we hope to work on this path to ensure that it is safer to use and is clearly waymarked.

Today's work has been funded by Active Calderdale. Many thanks.

The location of today's work on Tod 060.

The "freestanding" boardwalk.

David and RJ deciding on the position of the steps
from the boardwalk.

Building a step platform at one end of the

The steps - work in progress.

Boardwalk and steps completed, although
the tread area will need further consolidation.

Measuring up for next week's work.

The end of a long(ish) day . . . so many
paths, so little time!