A bridge collapse was reported after someone fell off it and hurt themself. Jerry, Linda, Angus, Stella and Rich went to put in a replacement bridge, cut back encroaching brambles, widen and level the path above the wet ditch and sort out waymarking on a confusing set of paths. This work was funded by Calderdale Highways.
The details
The initial task was to to remove the old boardwalk, cut back the overgrown ditch and level out the first section of the pathway next to the field boundary; this path was somewhat treacherous as material excavated from the ditch had been piled against the field wall so that the remaining path was close to the edge of the ditch.
The damaged and rotted-out boardwalk.
The narrowness of the path meant we had to adopt a "chain gang" approach.
Linda searching for the outflow from the ditch.
Initial positioning of the boardwalk bearers, ditch now cleared.
A final piece of levelling out around the new boardwalk.
The finished boardwalk looking back towards Lower Butterworth End Farm
Looking the other direction shows the wider cleared path.
The work was completed on a glorious Autumn day, a welcome change from the previous days of anticyclonic gloom. New waymarks were attached to several posts as there were several paths in this area, details on the map above. A big thank you to the land owner for allowing us to park vehicles in her yard which made the transporting of materials and equipment a less arduous task.