Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Midgley: Calderdale Way revetment

 Calderdale Way: revetment.

On this bright, blue-skied, Autumn day, Ian S, Andy, Jerry and Frank H had a long(ish) carry of materials and tools to install revetment on fragile edges of the Calderdale Way to the west of Moorside Farm (see map).

Location of the work (blue marker) amidst the intricate network of footpaths in this area.

Today's work was funded by Midgley Community Forum. Many thanks.

The detail:

This part of the CalderdaleWay is well used and heavy footfall (ably assisted by heavy rainfall) has caused exposed path edges to collapse. Today's task was to extend, at both ends, an existing section of revetment to further protect the route. 

The Progress:

Picture 1: Ian clearing a channel
for a new length of revetment.

Picture 2: Jerry doing the same at the
opposite end of this 'run' of revetment.

Picture 3: New length of revetment being positioned exactly.

Picture 4: Frank hammering home a long (1200 mm)
stob. It's in after 70 hits . . . and that's without a pause!
Mmm! Heroic? 

Picture 5: Jerry and Andy handing out similar
treatment to another 3.6 m length of revetment.

End of session:

Long view of the revetments installed at both ends of an existing older section:

All that remained was to carry out some landscaping and hand the job over to 'quality control' for their opinion . . .

"This is the best piece of revetment work we have seen all day" . . . "now can we have those biscuits that you promised?"

Later in the afternoon, we surveyed a path that threads its way downhill through the wooded area below Town Gate. Verdict? Passable, but great care needed in places because of the narrow width and a steep slope to one side!

We then returned to the depot to clean up tools, cost-up the job and cut supplies of items (standard stobs, stile step-legs, boardwalk cross-treads and kick boards) for which the stocks had mysteriously run low!

More next week . . . when it might be a footbridge!