Wednesday, 23 October 2024


 Bog Eggs Edge / Calderdale Way Area

Ian S and Paul were out today repairing a stile near Bog Eggs Edge. The stile uprights had rotted over the passage of time and one of the treadboards was worse for wear. The stile enables footpath access to the fields below where the Calderdale Way skirts around the Edge. 

The work was funded by the local landowner - thank you.

The wobbly stile before work.

We set about dissembling the cross-rails and digging out the two rotted posts. 

Work in Progress.

The taller right hand upright was mainly reusable and so we cut off the rotted section and "replanted" the post in the same place. The new left hand post was dug into the ground and the remnant of the old post fixed to it to act as the gatepost. A new treadboard was nailed in place with staples added to improve grip. We finished off the job by nailing the cross-rails into place and attaching a couple of waymark disks for good measure.

Job completed!