Friday 11 October 2024


There were three teams out on this fantastic Autumn day.

Team 1:    Mick and Frank H were working near Daisy Bank off the Long Causeway in Blackshaw Head. See separate post.

Team 2:    Ian V, David, Catherine and Kasher continued the work on Tod 029 and Tod 028 below Scrapers Lane. This included trying to improve the route near to a recently felled tree, cutting back the vigorous holly, widening paths and getting rid of years of leaf mold on a sunken path. 

We also installed one marker post at the junction of Tod BW 027 (Broad Gate and Scrapers Lane) and Tod BW 190 (the road down to Hole Bottom) where there has been some confusion over the routes for the Calderdale Way, the Todmorden Centenary Way and the Calderdale Way Link path.

Location of work below Scraper Lane.

Team 3: Ken and Neil Mc:  replaced the gate and associated fence at the top of Stubley Lane on Tod 071, adjacent to Bearnshaw Tower.

Replacement of a gate near Bearnshaw Tower.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council and by generous individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.


Team 2: Ian V and Kasher were out last week working on these paths. However, we needed to come back to improve the pathway next to a large felled tree. The rootball was on the uphill side of the path and the trunk of the tree was down the slope. The path was exceptionally narrow and was in danger of becoming impassable in the wet winter months ahead. We have created a safer path around the rootball. However, we will keep an eye on this and will, if necessary, add improved handholds on the rootball and possibly a deep revetment on the downhill slope to stop the path from collapsing down the slope.

The pathway (more precarious than it looks)
between the sections of the felled tree.

Significant amounts of pondering going on . . .

One step added, ground levelled and path
widened in preparation for the next stage.

Walk-board in place and secured.

Catherine cutting back Tod 028.

Kasher and Ian putting the finishing
touches to the new marker post.

We will need to return to Tod 028 shortly to install an additional deep step on the route up from the stream. At the moment this path is tricky to negotiate.

Team 3: Ken and Neil Mc replaced the existing gate, on the path adjacent to Bearnshaw Tower,with a smaller gate which opens the opposite way (as requested by the landowner). There are nearly always sheep in this field and the landowner has had problems with the original gate being left open. A stronger closure spring should prevent this from happening. 

The 'old' gate which is being replaced.

The new (smaller) gate in position and
Neil Mc sorting out the fence uprights.

The nearly completed new gate and fence.

There is still some work to be done - adding more rails to the fence to stop stock getting through: fitting a closure loop and applying a coat of preservative to protect the gate. We should be back next week to complete these tasks.