On Friday RJ and David worked on Tod BW 027 (Broad Gate) which runs to the south and south-west of Todmorden Golf Club.
The annual pilgrimage to this bridleway is a little later in the year than normal. However, the team sorted out the brambles which were overgrowing part of the path. They also installed one marker post to clearly indicate the bridleway from the Golf Club car park. Further along Broad Gate, near the route to Butt Stones, the annual drainage problems were addressed. However, although the water has been channelled off the pathway and into the hillside below this will need further monitoring. The route was also strimmed and cut back as necessary; possibly the last strimming session of 2024.
The work has been funded by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks to all for contributing to the improvement of footpaths and bridleways in the area.
Broad Gate below Tod Golf Club. |
A new BW marker post installed. |
The bridleway was strimmed and cut back. |
A waterlogged track...... |
RJ clearing and deepening the turn-by. |
The water being channelled off the main track. |