There were three teams out from Todmorden today:
Team 1: Andrew and David: constructing an alternative route on the moor above Daisy Bank (off the Long Causeway) to avoid the collapsed footbridge on BS 044. (See the post of 18 October).
Team 2: Mick and Gareth: initially helping Team 1 and then on to Todmorden Golf Club to reinstate the pink-topped marker posts across the golf course on Tod 026.
Team 3: Catherine and Kasher: initially setting out to paint the yellow-topped marker posts on the TCW above the Bacup Road . . . but, in the mist, they could not find the posts! . . .
. . . So plan B was put into operation: improving the drainage along a section of the causey path on the Calderdale Way near to Whirlaw (Tod BW 019).
Today's work has been funded by generous donations from members of the public. Many thanks.
In hindsight, it may have been a day for low-level tasks but all the teams managed to work in exceptionally misty, dank conditions. Heroic! Unfortunately, we were without the delights of the usual panoramic views and, unsurprisingly, somewhat short of autumnal colours! (see next picture)
The 'view' on Tod Moor above the Bacup Rd. |
Team 1: Unfortunately, part of the footbridge at the top end of the moor above Daisy Bank has been undermined and is now not safe to use. Permission from Calderdale Highways has been given to temporarily close this route until we can decided upon the best permanent solution.
The team by-passed the footbridge by strimming a route through the heather and soft rush to provide an alternative path which went through an already broken-down wall to a manageable stream crossing. This slightly circuitous route was waymarked with yellow-topped posts.
Whilst in the vicinity, we looked at the small packhorse bridge which was repaired in the summer. We may need to make further improvements to the clough bank to reduced potential erosion adjacent to the bridge.
Mick, Andrew and David on the moor above Daisy Bank. |
Putting in the new marker posts. |
Andrew creating a safe and secure passage through the wall. |
Soft rush strimmed to create an alternative path. |
Team 2: Route 026 (from Hey Head Lane to Broad Gate) across Todmorden golf course is way-marked with pink-topped posts. Over the last few years many of the posts have been broken or moved. The team went back today to install new marker posts and ensure that the posts were on the correct line. Please follow these posts if you intend to walk through the golf course otherwise use the alternative route which takes you along the edge of the course.
Mick with one of the new marker posts. |
Team 3: Catherine and Kasher were hoping to paint the yellow-topped posts on the TCW above the Bacup Road. Unfortunately, the visibility on this moor was so poor that, without our TCW expert (aka Mick), we were in danger of becoming lost! Consequently plan B - drainage along the causey path on the CW and TCW near Whirlaw - was put into operation.
Pre-existing, but blocked, channels were reopened so that water could drain from the causey stones. Although we only worked on a short section of the causeys it is now possible to walk this route without getting your feet wet . . . unlike Catherine and Kasher who finished the session both wet and bedraggled!
Hint: Please take care along this route and do not step off the stones onto the side of the track. There are some deep ditches . . . full of a delightful mix of mud and slurry!
Causey path partly under water. |
Catherine clearing channels for the water to drain away. |
Success! A drier route . . . relatively so! |