Monday, 28 October 2024

RIPPONDEN - Spa Green Lane, Bridleway clearance.

Today's team of Lynda, Jerry and Angus tackled the overgrown bridleway on Spa Green Lane above Ripponden, which links Nursery lane to Ripponden Old Lane emerging near the cricket ground.

Bridleway is shown between the two blue markers on the map.

It was encouraging to see that the path has been used by walkers and mountain bikers which has kept it open, but for horse riders the thick vegetation and low hanging branches have made it virtually impassable.

Whilst there was a footpath the majority of the bridleway was badly overgrown.

The marker post had seen better days having rotted out at ground level.

Jerry set to work to replace the damaged waymarker post whilst Lynda and Angus started to cut back a thick patch of Snowberry and the usual dense clumps of nettles and brambles, along with several low hanging branches which required the use of an electric pole saw.

As we progressed up the lane to where it levelled out near Ripponden Old Lane, the areas of overgrown vegetation started to clear though there were still several trees whose branches encroached to such an extend that horse riders would find it difficult to negotiate.

The halfway point of the bridleway before cutting back.

Lynda and Jerry attacking some particularly stubborn brambles.

Bridleway opened up and now accessible to walkers, horse riders and mountain bikers.

The finished job from the Nursery Lane end.

Now cleared, we hope that it attracts a steady flow of 2 legged, 4 legged and 2 wheeled travellers which will help keep the vegetation down and maintain it as a usable bridleway. 
A big thank you to Ripponden Parish Council and other donors to CROWS.