Wednesday 25 September 2024



Frank S and Paul were out today working on the access path to Pecket Well playground. The path starting at the Parish Council owned garages at Pecket Bar, had become overgrown, and waterlogged at the bottom end. The task was to cut back the pathway to a width of 1.8 metres and sort out the muddy quagmire at the bottom end.

This work was funded by Wadsworth Parish Council. Many thanks.

Site map.

We set about cutting the overgrowth back - mainly Himalayan Balsam, Nettles and overhanging branches.

A wee bit overgrown!

That's a lot better!

We then set about tackling the slippery slope at the bottom end. This is where the path enters the playground  - it's very treacherous to negotiate.

Quagmire comes to mind!

Water was coming down the banking and saturating the lower ground area, so we dug a drainage channel down one side to direct the water away from the main pathway. 

Water coming down the banking saturating the path

Frank digging the drainage channel

Drainage channel cut to
direct water downhill.

The channel veers away to swing round and down to the edge of the playground area. We then scraped away the muddy mulch from the path and cut back and widened the side opposite the channel to enable easier access while this area dries out.
Mulch scraped and area widened.


 The path at the bottom end will remain slippery while the waterlogged area dries out. We will return at some point to review how effective the drainage is . . . !