Friday 20 September 2024

TODMORDEN - Near Pex Tenements and Tod Moor

There were two teams out from Todmorden today:

Team 1: Mick and Ken took advantage of the dry, sunny weather of the last few days to paint (with a white top) the marker-posts on the Todmorden Moor Geology Trail.

Team 2: Catherine and Kasher had a third (and final) session to improve the path (Todmorden 032) below Pex Tenements, near to the wooden bridge over Ingham Clough.


Team 1: CROWS have funds from Reaps Moss Wind Farm to undertake work on the Todmorden Moor Geology Trail. The wind farm have also provided funds for an updated version of the trail guide to be produced - watch this space! Today's task was to paint the marker-posts along the trail route and to re-erect any of the posts which had been been "downed" by the large herd of cattle which frequent this part of the moor.

No, Mick. That is a bus stop sign. It's not a
waymark post. It doesn't need painting! . .  . 

. . . That's more like it! Neatly done.

Team 2: Following on from previous sessions to improve the area at the end of the bridge, the team completed the infilling of the stone platform. We packed this down and compounded it with more layers of stone and shale taken from the clough. Hopefully this will provide a safer and drier 'landing' platform for walkers . . . .  and may not attract the attention of visiting cattle.

We then spent time cleaning the bridge. Removing the accumulation of moss and grime should increase its life span. 

Note to self (1): the cross-rails have been fitted very tightly together. This is not usual but perhaps it was done to protect the stringer. Gaps between cross-rails aid drainage and speed-up drying (as well as using less timber!). 50 mm gaps are OK if cattle use the bridge but 25 mm is better if sheep are involved.

Today's work at Ingham Clough has been funded by Todmorden Town Council. The work on Todmorden Moor Geology Trail has been funded by Reaps Moss Wind Farm. Many thanks.

The location of the bridge over Ingham Clough. Please note that
on the Calderdale Definitive Map there is no FB marked at this point.

The cattle have been investigating! However, the boxed-in area near
the end of the bridge is untrampled . . . exactly the outcome we wanted!

Catherine cleaning the cross-rails!

A bit of light pruning.

A very neat and clean looking footbridge.