Thursday 12 September 2024

TODMORDEN - Near Pex Tenements

 CROWS had been informed of a problem near the bridge below Pex Tenements on Todmorden 032. A large stone, which formed the step-up to the bridge, had become dislodged and was part-way down the steep bank into Ingham Clough.

RJ and Kasher set off with much enthusiasm to get this stone back secured in place. The working area was on a slope, running with water which contained a delightful mix of mud . . . and something that smelt suspiciously bovine . . . ! Enthusiasm, however, soon disappeared especially with the arrival of hail . . . and it's only September!

Eventually, after a lot of levering, pushing, wedging, sliding and cursing, the large stone was moved into the correct position and packed in place with stone scavenged from the clough.

We were concerned, however, that the large stone may again do a 'disappearing act' so a small "revetment", secured with long stobs, was built to keep it in position.

We will return to create a stone platform near this end of the bridge and also construct two steps on the slope coming down to the bridge. We will also try to improve the banking drainage so that water will not run down the slope and over the new steps.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Position of the problem on Tod 032.

The take-off stone had slipped down the banking.

RJ and the stone now back in position.

RJ with the revetment in place.

The revetment in place and Plan B . . . or is it plan C? . . .
. . . . or plan D? being tried for the stone platform.