Saturday 24 August 2024


 A day of small but important tasks:

Gareth and Kasher were on Inchfield Moor digging two deep holes so that the repaired open access information board can be re-erected.  This board was removed in early June after being broken by the moorland cattle. The board has been repaired, sanded, cleaned, revarnished and fitted with new legs, and will be placed at the junction of Foul Clough Road, Tod 114 and Tod BW 117. 

The team then went to the bridleway adjacent to Cross Farm in Mankinholes to strim and cut-back the vegetation. This bridleway (Tod BW 170) which CROWS had been told was in a poor state, joins Cross Lane and Lee Bottom Road.

Mick and Ian V went to replace some steps on Tod 036, a footpath that joins Shaw Wood Road to Gut Royd Wood. Two steps were replaced and the team will be back next week to replace others that need wider risers.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council and by individual donations given through the collection box at the Top Brink. Many thanks to all.

Position of access information board on Inchfield Moor.

Bridleway near Cross Farm, Mankinholes.

Steps to be replaced off Shaw Wood Road.

Gareth fettling up the markerpost: a favourite
rubbing device for the moorland cattle!

Digging the first post hole . . . in the rain!

Deep holes are needed and Gareth is getting the hole
as deep as possible . . .  Longer arms needed?

Cutting-back on the bridleway near Cross Farm.

Path being cleared by cutting-back holly, raspberries, brambles and bracken etc.

The end of the bridleway near Lee Bottom Road.

The risers for this flight are a mix -  some are stone, some are wood.

The two narrow steps have been installed.
We will be back asap to replace the others.