Wednesday 15 May 2024

LUDDENDENFOOT - below Kershaw Estate

This path was closed over ten years ago due to the stone steps from Burnley Road collapsing. Calderdale Highways are now repairing the steps and have asked CROWS to improve the rest of the path to Kershaw Crescent. The path provides a useful shortcut from the estate down to the bus stop on Burnley Road and was very well used.

Rich, Ian S and Jan went up to make a start on clearing the line of the path, do some cutting back and some path widening. It will take several session to sort, but we hope the path will be open by the end of June.

The details

We started by clearing the top entrance to the path - long grass, shrubs, overhanging branches and dumped rubbish!

Before we started clearing the path

 The next stage was to clear some steps that we guessed were there. 

Looks like there are steps under there

Steps all cleared but will need replacing

 Lower down we widened and levelled the path and cut back brambles and cleared more rubbish off the path.

Much easier to walk on

Next was cutting broom that had grown over and completely obscured the path


Ian making the way through the broom

The path coming out below the broom

Next session

  • Putting in new steps
  • More path widening including through the lower wooded section
  • Clearing a way through the Snowberry
  • Clearing vegetation off the stone steps to Burnley Road
Some of the path is quite overgrown with Snowberry!