Monday 13 May 2024


CROWS were at three sites today.

Ginny and Rich went stop water from running across the track that goes from Crow Nest to Carr Bridge.

They then joined Angus to sort out a hazardous pile of rocks by an abandoned gate near Holme House Lane in Rishworth. Then, it was across the valley for another session on the lower end of Back Lane near the Alma pub. Today's work was funded by donations to CROWS

The details

The drains alongside the track to Carr bridge look as if they have been overflowing for some time. This overflow has helped create a significant amount of beech mulch - the path is very squelchy!

We dug out some of the side drain, unblocked a cross drain (always satisfying) and scraped the path surface. 

Clearing the side drain

 It is now much better to walk on but there is further work needed to renovate the drainage system . . .  we will be back!

Joining Angus, we went to sort an unstable pile of rocks near to an abandoned gateway on one of the Ripponden Village Walks. An accidental knock here could end in serious injury.

Large stone blocks ready to drop on to someone's foot!

Now an easy, hazard-free route.

Then it was on to Back Lane, a route we have been clearing over the last few months. Today's job was to deal with deep mulch that had been washed down the path over the years. With a hard surface underneath the water had nowhere to go. 

The worst section was scraped off and it is already beginning to dry out. 

Scraping in progress

Should now be a nice section on which to walk

The balsam is back! . . .  so we cleared it from the path. 

The final job was to waymark the path to encourage people to use it, now it's easily passable.