Friday, 5 April 2024

TODMORDEN - Cornholme area

 RJ and Kasher spent a day checking and sorting out small jobs in the Cornholme area.

This included:

  1. Measuring up for improvements to a stile near the small copse on Tod 057 at Shore Green.
  2. Waymarking and checking along the Tod Centenary Way between Shore and Pudsey Rd.
  3. Measuring up for a stile adjacent to the bridleway gate on BW Tod 048 above Hartley Royd and below Stoney Lane.
  4. Looking at the options for improving the stiles at either end of Tod 048, which cuts off the corner between Hartley Royd and Sagar Lane.
  5. Investigating drainage issues along Tod 086 between Dundee and Frieldhust Farm.
Today's work was funded by the Cornholme Wreath Making workshop held last December in Cornholme. Many thanks.

Location of drainage work on Tod 086 (job 5).

Location of proposed stile on BW Tod 048 (job 3).


RJ in action:- playing countryside Jenga?

Steps! What steps?
There's barely a trace of the old ones for
what should have been a two-step stile!

RJ investigating drainage along Tod 086.

Drainage channel on Tod 086 . . .
. . . seen through a wet camera lens!