Wednesday, 6 March 2024

TODMORDEN - Cornholme

In beautiful Spring condions RJ and Kasher spent the day improving the way-marking in one small area of Cornholme.

Four new marker posts were put in on Todmorden 060, a path which comes down from Obadiah Wood, past Woodcote and then on towards Frieldhurst.

We also renewed the flag on the post below Frieldhurst, on Todmorden 086, towards Dundee.

The stile below Dundee, which is not on a definitive footpath, needs some attention so we went to measure up for new legs and a treadboard.

Today's work has been funded by donations of funds from the Cornholme Wreath Making Workshop held in December 2023. Many thanks.

New marker post on Tod 060.

The lovely route (Tod 060) through Obadiah Wood.

RJ with the refurbished flag ...... but wondering
whether the flag will last longer than the post!

RJ checking out the stile near Dundee.

Our lunchtime view on Tod 060.