Wednesday 17 January 2024


 It was a bright but very cold day to be out. A team of three (RJ, Gareth and Kasher) dealt with a number of small jobs around Todmorden:

a) Measuring up for a boardwalk on the Calderdale Way (Tod 024) at the edge of Todmorden Golf Club,

b) Drainage work on the Todmorden Centenary Way (BW Tod 019),

c) Moving the stones which had recently come down over the bridleway near Bean Hole (BW Tod 031),

d) Clearing the stream beneath the boardwalk at the far end of Folly Dam (Tod 173),

e) Improving the drainage to reduce the water coming over the footpath leading to Tod 165 through Bird Bank Wood.

Today's work was funded by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.

Walking across Tod Golf Course to look at the 
proposed site of a new boardwalk.

Drainage work on the TCW.

TCW drainage: RJ clearing the land drain.

RJ and Gareth removing stones from the 
path at Bean Hole.

Gareth clearing under the boardwalk near Folly Dam.

Drainage channels dug to keep water from the FP.

A still, bright and cold day above Todmorden.