Wednesday 8 November 2023

PENNINE WAY - Langfield Common

 Angus, Kasher and the two Richards drove to the end of Warland Reservoir (thanks to United Utilities). The tasks were:

  • Replacing a fallen waymark post
  • Levelling and securing five wobbly stone flags
  • Fixing a gate catch that had worked loose
  • Surveying a section of the path, going down to Gaddings, which is under water! 

Work today is funded by Natural England and Calderdale Council Highways,


The details:

Fixing wobbly flags in the mire.

The weather was not looking too good!

New waymark post

Having completed the PW work we went to assess a serious problem on the flagged path down to Gaddings. A short section is submerged either under mire or water. We are proposing to install a boardwalk across here, but will need to take further technical advice on how to secure it! In the meantime, do not walk down there!

The deeply flooded path down to Gaddings Dam

And this is the good section!

After a brief respite from the rain, it returned . . .

. . .  but at least it gave us an atmospheric view of Manchester!