Wednesday 11 October 2023

Wet and wild on DICKS LANE, Erringden

Following last week's gate construction and timber cutting, Andrew, Ray & Stella, plus tools and timber were carried up to Dicks Lane in the landowner's Land Rover, for which many thanks. With an improving forecast (which did not materialise) we set to in cold, wet conditions to construct a gated approach to the stone stile/gap between Dicks Lane and Sunderland Pasture. We also shifted some large stones to make a negotiable stepped approach from the Sunderland Pasture side. These improvements should ensure stock-proof access for recreational users.

This work was generously funded by donations to CROWS - thank you friends. 


Preliminary assessment

Starting the first post hole in the mud

Digging deep for the second post - Andrew had the longest arms!

Putting the gate on

Finished - from Dicks Lane

From Sunderland pasture before....

...and after.

muddiest face competition?