Wednesday 11 October 2023

CRAGG VALE - Castle Gate Dam Part 3

The Dam wall footbridges

Ken, Ian S, Jerry and Frank H with expert advice and practical input from James and Shaun, had the task of replacing two footbridges along the path that negotiates the dam walls.

The work is funded by HEC contractors, Cragg Vale Community Association, Hebden Royd Town Council, and a legacy from life-long rambler Gerald Hardwick. Many thanks.

The detail

The day was a 'rain sandwich' sort of a day. Heavy at first, then very light drizzle before the heavy stuff returned. Everything - tools, timber and workers - ended up being wet! Very wet!

Here's how the day went:

1. The downstream footbridge

This is the shorter of the footbridges and its ends rest on good, stone abutments . . . but with a long drop down to mud and water; careful attention and a sense of balance was essential! Some minor tweaking of the original footings and a positional adjustment of two handrail posts was needed before the relatively straightforward construction could get underway.

Before: The side rails are not angled
gracefully, they are sagging alarmingly!

During: Handrail posts being fixed to one of the stringers.

During: More work on handrail posts.

During: Stringers with pre-fixed
handrail posts now in place.

End product: Neat,secure and safe. 

End product: First footing?

End product: View from across the
mill pond . . . but look at that rain!

2. The upstream footbridge

This is the longer footbridge having equally sound end platforms and, thankfully, less exposure to steep drops and 'bottomless' mud. 

Before: Decaying side-posts and a sag
due to rotting stringers.

During: Rotten stringers revealed. They broke in
half when they were removed . . . but the
new stringers are waiting in the wings!

End of session: Upstream view of new
footbridge and three wet workers!

End of session: Downstream view. Drop on
left of picture protected by handrail. Drop
on right is not an issue.

We still have some minor work to do - an anchoring bracket for one of the stringers, a couple of extra handrail posts, a short section of side trim and some landscaping - but, although we've left 'warning signs' in place, the bridges and path are safe and usable.
More on Friday when we complete these tasks . . . as well as getting another soaking if the weather forecast is to be believed!