Friday 13 October 2023


 On a day which started wet and became wetter as the morning progressed, there were two teams out from Todmorden:

1)    RJ and Kasher (Team 1) were strimming footpaths: Tod 029 from the top of Ashenhurst Rd towards Bank, and the Calderdale Link path, Tod 039, from Castle Lane towards Little Cornwall.

2)     Catherine, David and Mick (Team 2) spent the day sorting drainage issues on Tod BW 017 at Whirlaw Lane and on Tod 029 above Ashenhurst Rd.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Calderdale Way Link path above Castle St.


Whirlaw Lane.


Team 1:     The end of the strimming season is fast approaching but today we managed to strim brambles, ferns and bracken from a number of paths. On the wet section of Tod 029 towards Bank we also strimmed the soft rush so that the drainage issues could be worked on by the team.

RJ starting to strim Tod 029.

The FP now a little clearer.

Tod 039, one of the Calderdale Way Link paths
towards Cross Stone, now strimmed.

Team 2:     When RJ and Kasher were checking out the Calderdale Way a couple of weeks ago, they came across a number of drainage issues including a major problem near East Whirlaw Farm.

Drainage issue near East Whirlaw Farm.

Catherine and Mick sorting out the 
drainage challenges.

Can we get the water back into the
drainage channel . . . and get it to stay there?

Clearing out and deepening the drainage
channels on Tod 029.