Friday 13 October 2023

CRAGG VALE - Castle Gate Dam Part 3 (continued)

Castle Gate - the upstream footbridge

Ken and Frank H returned to the scene of Wednesday's exploits to fully stabilise and put some finishing touches to the upstream footbridge.

The work is funded by HEC contractors, Cragg Vale Community Association, Hebden Royd Town Council, and a legacy from life-long rambler Gerald Hardwick. Many thanks.

The detail

It was another day of mixed rain - heavy downpours followed by a period of intermittent drizzle before the heavy stuff returned. Not quite as wet as Wednesday but enough to make us more damp than we thought we were!

The footbridge spans a leat that feeds off Cragg Brook. For those who thought that Cragg Brook was a placid stream meandering its way gently to Mytholmroyd, here's a reminder that appearances can be deceptive:

Cragg Brook in spate!

The tasks were to complete the edging trims of the footbridge, install extra handrail posts at both ends, construct diagonal braces for these posts and anchor the bridge stringers to the stone abutments. Here's how it went:

A metal 'shoe' that clamps the the handrail post will be
bolted to the ground. Ken has just used an angle-grinder
to create a flat platform for the base of the shoe.

Handrail post now in 'metal
shoe'and braced diagonally.

Anchoring brackets being fixed to pin
the stringers to the stone abutments

More of the same and a good view along
this very neatly constructed footbridge.

Overall this was a very satisfying morning's work. The extra posts at the ends of the handrail, the diagonal braces and the anchoring brackets for the stringers have helped create a safe, secure, rigid structure that will be a help to walkers using this path which, although short, is rich in plant and insect life.

There is more work to be done; in particular, the approaches to this footbridge, the access steps at the extreme ends of the path and sections of its surface all need attention . . . a dry day would be a bonus!