Friday 6 October 2023


 There were two teams out from Todmorden today.

Team 1 (Catherine and Kasher) had a varied day:

1)     Checked out the fallen wall on Tod BW 031(Long Lane/Bean Hole Lane) which had been reported to CROWS. Some loose stones were removed from the Bridleway but we will need to come back to make sure that all of the stones are stacked tightly by the wall to allow walkers and riders to pass safely.

2)    Went to Sagar Lane (Tod BW 049) with the aim of checking this bridleway which has been temporarily closed in advance of the resurfacing work needed. Unfortunately the raging torrent of water coming down the bridleway prevented any agreed work here today! 

3)    Waymarking and replacement of a marker post at the junction of Tod 017 and Tod 023. New 'Calderdale Way' markers were added to the stile and new 'footpath' signs were used to clarify the route around the buildings.

Team 2 (Neil Mc and David) had fun installing five steps near Low Hey Farm in Gauxholme, close to the stile installed a few weeks ago. Two more steps will be needed on this slippery section  and in this general area several illegible waymarks will need replacing.

Today's work has been funded by Little Box Consulting Ltd and by Calderdale Highways. Many thanks.


1) Bean Hole Lane/Long Lane

The collapsed wall

2) Sagar Lane

Sagar Lane under water (1)

Sagar Lane under water (2)

3) Marker post replacement

The old to come out and the new to go in.

4) Steps at Low Hey Farm, Gauxholme

The slope before the steps were added.

The steps in place and partly backfilled.