Wednesday 6 September 2023

ERRINGDEN - above Height Wood and TODMORDEN - Meadow Bottom

Today's team of RJ and Kasher tackled two jobs that had recently been reported to CROWS: 

a) Water flowing from a pipe which was in danger of washing away the footpath on Erringden 014, between Height Wood and a recently constructed barn.

b) An overgrown bridleway (Todmorden 026) at Hole Bottom Delph, at the top of Meadow Bottom Road.

Thankfully both jobs meant working in the shade on this extremely hot day. It was just a pity that we had to share the shade with battalions of midges.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council and by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.


a) The problems on Erringden 014 had been reported to CROWS a few months ago. Water has been gushing out of a plastic pipe from the hillside and has been finding its own way down the hill and across the footpath. About 50 m of this footpath has become a mud bath.

We have dug a channel so that the water now flows from the pipe, across the path, and down the hillside. The water channel across the path has been edged with large flat stones to make it easier for walkers to cross and we utilised sections of guttering to encourage the water to flow in the correct direction.

Water gushing out of the pipe and 
flowing down the hillside.

The state of Erringden 014 in August.

The water now channelled with the
edges protected by large flat stones.

Wearing white was not a good idea today . . .
. . . and neither was not wearing wellies!

b) The bridleway at Hole Bottom Delph, Todmorden 026, needed cutting back. Whilst the track was easy to walk on a dry day it would be a nightmare in wet conditions for horse or bike. 

At the edges of the path we have cut back the vegetation and removed some low hanging tree branches. However, we will need to work out how to make this path easier for all to use as there are deep erosion channels, in the upper reaches of the route, to be sorted out.

We will also be back to improve the signage at both ends of this track.

Cutting back at the lower reaches of
Tod BW 026

We exposed this water trough and dedication stone
which was hidden by the ivy.

The dam two thirds of the way up the bridleway.