Saturday 2 September 2023


The Fete - Flying the Flag for CROWS.

On an idyllic, late summer's day CROWS were delighted to have a stall at the Blackshaw Head Fete. This well-run event encompasses all that is good about community activities - committed volunteers, a variety of stalls, entertainment, parades, music, competitions, food . . . and a fell race.

The fete is held in the fields adjacent to Blackshaw Head Chapel and efficient organisation of pitches and parking enabled the CROWS volunteers to find their 'spot', erect the 'gazebo' and have an enjoyable afternoon engaging with the public.

Many thanks for the donations put into to our collection box and for the compliments about the high standard of our work.

The details

1. The pitch

The gazebo (aka garden shelter) was erected without the struggles encountered at earlier events! This might have been due to an increase in the competence of CROWS volunteers but was more likely down to Ken having replaced several damaged plastic hinges. The gazebo frame now opens as the manufacturer intended rather than (somewhat wilfully) distorting itself into a confusing telescopic tangle!

2 Smooth running

A squad of eight CROWS worked on a rota basis to pre-check the stall items, load and transport everything to Blackshaw Head, set up the displays, engage with the public and return everything to the depot at the end of the day. Mmm! Hard work but, on a calm sunny day, virtually stress-free.

External display board of CROWS work in the Blackshaw Head area. Boardwalks, bridges, steps and stiles predominate . . . and the standard does look impressive.

Engaging with the public . . . . 

 . . .  and with other CROWS . . . 

. . . and with the Land of Nod! (aka OS 106 Grid Ref TA 843 365)

3. The last word

And here she is again. It's Elsie (LC), our favourite Lakeland terrier-Collie cross. She often takes her favourite human on walks to visit us on work days but at the moment she is taking time-out in the shade. Even the most friendly and exuberant of dogs needs a brief respite from the heat and the sensory overload of people, other dogs, children, tall men on stilts, manic drummers, loud music, overhead drones and hot food . . . . especially the hot food! Woof!