Wednesday 6 September 2023

BLACKSHAW HEAD: Blackshaw Royd

 Blackshaw Royd: Gate for Stile

In the delightful setting of Blackshaw Royd with far-reaching views towards Stoodley Pike, Jerry, Billie and Frank H worked to replace a stile with a pedestrian gate on footpath,Todmorden 062. (see map).

The existing stile had a narrow, interestingly bendy treadboard with one rotten leg. The plan was to insert two posts suitable for a pedestrian gate, hang the gate, re-adjust any cross-rails, fit a closure spring, add a latch and attach a closure loop.

This work was funded by the landowner who also provided practical assistance at the start of the task. Many thanks.

The detail.

Early mist cleared and the temperature climbed and climbed. It was a hot, energy-sapping session. Many thanks to Blackshaw Royd Farm who provided iced-water at a critical moment!

i) Before work started

Here's the stile. It has a narrow treadboard and a very high top rail. The spacing of the three cross-rails is enough of a barrier for horses but insufficient to deter sheep or goats. The far left-hand post is firm but the grab-post attached to it is rotten. The nearest leg of the step is sound but the other one is rotten. Changes will begin . . .

ii) Work progresses.

Frank is excavating debris from the hole for the hinge-post - long arms are useful! Jerry is an interested spectator and noting the required technique and graceful style . . . which is perhaps as well because . . . 

. . . it was his turn next to work on the hole for the closure post. 

(Photos by Billie which is why she didn't appear on any of them!)

iii) Towards the end of the session.

 Both gate-posts in place, gate hung with suitable stops to prevent unwanted movement, closure spring fitted and yellow closure loop attached. The set of three cross-rails has now become a set of four giving closer spacing. Advisory signage . . .  'Right-of-Way'; 'PLEASE CLOSE THE GATE', and 'KEEP DOGS ON LEAD' . . . all clearly visible thanks to Billie's artistic eye.

We attempted to fit a basic latch. This is usually a straightforward task, but not so today! The seemingly robust latch had a design defect and will be returned (with suitable comment!) to the supplier. Once we get a latch that works we'll return to fit it and then make adjustments to the closure loop. 

More next week when conditions may be less tropical!