Saturday 19 August 2023

TODMORDEN - Various Locations

On an exceptionally overcast day with low cloud and intermittent drizzle, three teams set off from Todmorden:

1) Ian V and Ken returned to the linking path between Knotts Road and the track (Tod 087) to continue building the steps.

2) Mick and Neil Mc constructed a new boardwalk on the route of the Geology Trail/Bridleway Tod 098.

3) David P (on his first CROWS work party) and Kasher carried timber and tools for the team who were working on the Geology Trail and then moved on to cut back foliage that had engulfed a stile; to replace a tread-board and to carry out way-marking near Stoodley Gate and along London Road.

Today's work has been funded by Calderdale Highways and by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks


1) Ian and Ken returned to complete the first set of steps on the short footpath from Knotts Road to Todmorden 087. Teams have been out in previous weeks and have constructed 6 steps. The final two steps were added today but the team had to battle with tree roots and an amazingly large boulder . . . the boulder won!. This steep slope is now much easier to negotiate, especially as a tree has grown in exactly the right position to act as a grab-post! Isn't nature wonderful?

Waymarks were also fixed to the newly installed marker posts. 

We may need to do more work on this route by installing steps where the footpath rises to join Tod 087. We will also need to waymark the downward direction of this path through the woodland.

Ian considering the placement of the next step.

The rock which refused to yield!

The completed flight of steps ... plus
the essential tree and a useful marker post.

2) Following a recent survey of the Geology Trail, it was agreed that this route needed some attention. After parking and unloading at Guide Quarry a short visit was paid to the trees we have planted there in recent months. We are pleased to report they are thriving. Hooray!. Then, stringers, stobs, bearers, cross-treads and tools were carried up Flower Scar Road and along the Geology Trail to the first boardwalk. The stringers on this boardwalk were rotten and the whole boardwalk itself needed repositioning to avoid the crumbling banks of the stream.

The new boardwalk is slightly longer (and slightly wider) than the old one. As a medium term measure, we have used the better cross-treads from the old boardwalk together with cross-treads re-cycled from a redundant boardwalk. The boardwalk is firmly anchored but we will give it a 'check over' in a month or so.

'Mick o' the Mist' with the old boardwalk.

Neil Mc positioning the stringers.

Still misty but the new boardwalk is in place.

3) After acting as sherpas for the team that was working on the boardwalk, David and Kasher went to clear the double stile at Stoodley Gate (Tod 036) - a task requested by Calderdale Highways. 

We then went up to the junction of Tod 179 and London Road (BW Tod 170) to replace a treadboard on a stile and to improve the way-marking in this area. 

Next we moved on to check the stile and footpath opposite the Shepherds Rest. This stile was built earlier this year by CROWS. It's a sturdy construction and has encouraged more people to use this route that follows the wallside. However, we agreed that this path would benefit from being cleared - another strimming job to add to the list!

The 'double stile' stile is here somewhere . . . 

Ah! Here it is - now cleared and way-marked (again).

David with replaced tread-board and
new way-marking near London Road.