Friday 11 August 2023

TODMORDEN - Inchfield Moor

The annual (at least!) task of sorting out the marker posts across Inchfield Moor fell to Neil M, Jerry and Kasher. There should be a series of yellow topped posts across the moor from just below Gorpley Reservoir to Foul Clough Road. Unfortunately, as this moor is also home to a large herd of cattle, these posts are often used as scratching posts and tend to get pushed over or broken. 

The moor itself is EXTREMELY wet and difficult to negotiate. The route across the moor varies each year depending upon a number of factors so we have re-routed the path onto slightly higher ground to avoid the worst of the mud. The yellow topped posts used to delineate the best route are essential in poorer weather .... and often in better weather too!

Unfortunately two members of the CROWS team inadvertently had a 'competition' to see who could fall into the bog with the most style . . . Jerry won!

As well as marking the route across the moor, we also replaced a marker post on Foul Clough Road indicating the direction to Trough Edge End. We also tried to sort out the first 20 metres of the route from Foul Clough Road (by the bridge) onto the moor.

On our return down Inchfield Road we added a way-marker to indicate the direction of Todmorden 123 at Nicklety.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Jerry: inadvertently testing the bog.
Full marks for style . . . . .

. . . . or perhaps not . . . !

Lunch time views with wind turbines,
power lines and marker posts.

Neil and Jerry in bog-standard kit!

Neil M undertaking yet more drainage.

The marker post to Trough Edge End.