Wednesday 16 August 2023

TODMORDEN - Greystone Lane

Greystone Lane and district!

It's Wednesday so it must be strimming and cutting-back day! Today's team of Fred, RJ, Andrew and Kasher returned to the Greystone Lane area, near Great Rock, and continued the seemingly never ending task of trying to keep the footpaths and bridleways in a usable condition. 

Today we managed to finish the strimming and cutting back on Greystone Lane (Tod 011). We also strimmed Tod 008, a short footpath off the bridleway Tod 009, below Great Rock. We returned to Back Lane to cut back and remove some dead trees which were across the path. The team also cleared the remaining section of Tod 010 and checked the state of the stile, which will need some repairs . . . another item for our 'to do' list!

RJ and Andrew then undertook some drainage work on both Back Lane and Greystone Lane. They also tried to build a safe and dry path at the bottom of Greystone Lane - a regular task, but one which tends to get trampled by the cattle as they come to get water from the stream alongside this lane.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Fred attacking the lower reaches of Greystone Lane.

Greystone Lane is here . . . somewhere!

RJ - Looking far too relaxed!

RJ and Andrew trying to create a dry
route through mud to the barrier.

Andrew - also relaxed.

Back Lane - trees to be cleared.

Greystone Lane: now much easier to negotiate.