Wednesday 12 July 2023

LUDDENDEN FOOT - Calderdale Way Link Path

The Calderdale Way link path between Bottoms Farm and Raw End Farm in Luddenden Foot has become completely overgrown and is virtually un-walkable. An additional problem is that this 'setted' lane is taking water off Sowerby Lane and, following rainfall, is more like a river than a footpath!

RJ, Fred, Kasher and Maggie (on her first working day with CROWS) spent the day clearing a long section of this footpath. We will return to in a week or so (preferably on a drier day!) to finish off the work especially on the lower section of the path.

We would like to thank the residents of Raw End Farm for allowing us to park in their yard and for bringing their battery powered chain saw to help us cut down one of the overhanging branches.

We would also like to thank the person who, a few months ago, reported this path to CROWS ... it has eventually arrived at the top of our long, long list!

This work has been funded by Calderdale Highways Dept. Many thanks.

Calderdale Way link path near Sowerby Lane.


The Calderdale Way link path onto Sowerby Lane is along the footpath Sowerby 050. This path is little used but, as it is a link path to Calderdale's premier walking route, it should be passable. It was completely overgrown with nettles, brambles and patches of Himalayan Balsam. Parts of the wall near the top of the footpath had collapsed with heavy coping stones becoming hidden under vegetation.  Although there are not many large trees, some branches needed to be cut back so that walkers could actually walk under them!

In places, this footpath has beautiful setts with well placed turn-bys. In other places it's just a conglomeration of mixed stone from the walls and setts from the path. It is extremely difficult to walk this route; more so in wet conditions . . . . and what did we get today . . . . wet conditions!

Today's work should allow Calderdale Council to assess this footpath and (we hope) agree a plan of action to alter the drainage from Sowerby Lane which currently directs water from the road down this iconic walled and setted lane.

The top of the CW link path.

Overhanging branches and brambles.

A good brush cutter was invaluable!

Maggie enjoying (??!!) her first day as 
a CROWS volunteer.

Into the light, but notice the trip hazards.

The top of the path at the end of the session.

Fred! Don't be shy. You can come out now!