Monday 8 May 2023

TODMORDEN- Badger Wood

With funds recently secured from the 'Todmorden Wind Farm Fund' accessed through the 'Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC)', a number of CROWS volunteers went out to replace the footbridge at the bottom of Badger Wood on Todmorden 160. 

Previously, in Dec 2022, CROWS had carried out temporary work on this bridge to make it safe for walkers (see the blog post on 23 December 2022). 

This time, over a number of sessions, RJ, Fred, Kasher, Neil and Mick worked on this bridge to :-

  • Dismantle the old bridge but salvage all re-usable timber
  • Construct a replacement footbridge
  • Install revetment at the top of the flight of steps (using recycled timber from the old bridge)
  • Re-establish the line of marker posts through the wood.

1. RJ gathering infill .  
2. The completed bridge.

3. Revetment and marker post added.

4. Neil M adding the finishing touches.

5. View from the top of the steps to
the new bridge.