Monday 8 May 2023

HEBDEN BRIDGE - High Hirst Walk

Fred, Richard J, Ginny, Billie, Linda, and Rich followed up a recent survey of paths around Dodd Naze estate. The paths included High Hirst Walk which was built in 2004 as a path suitable for wheelchair users. Due to lack of maintenance, the walk had become overgrown and narrow.

The yellow highlight on the map indicate the the paths that were strimmed and widened. We also cut back encroaching branches and strimmed around several benches that had become overgrown and virtually unusable.

This work is funded by donations to CROWS via Just Giving.

The details

Brush cutters, shears, loppers, saws, spades, azads and a brush was the order of the day. 

Here's are some 'before' and 'after' pictures and a photo of the 2004 stone marking the start of the path which was disappearing into the undergrowth.