Wednesday 15 March 2023

TODMORDEN - Bridestones

We had planned to replace the boardwalk at Bridestones last Friday but, because of the snow, we were unable to do so. However RJ and Kasher (with help from Mick who delivered the timber and gave advice on construction) ventured forth in sub-zero temperatures to replace the boardwalk.

The main stringers on this well-used boardwalk were broken and, for safety reasons it was dismantled 10 days ago. This meant that crossing the small ditch had become more difficult.

1. The boardwalk in need of TLC.

The hardest part of today's task was to ensure that the bearers were level and parallel, and the stringers were attached securely to the bearers. Once the main framework of the new boardwalk was completed, long stobs were put in place and nailed to the stringers, to anchor the boardwalk.

2. Getting the bearers and stringers sorted.

3. Putting the crosspieces in place.

The pre-drilled crosspieces were then nailed to the stringers and, finally, the kick boards were fixed to the ends of the boardwalk.

4. The moment of truth! First walkers across...

As this boardwalk is slightly narrower than the one it replaces, the path-side timbers do not align exactly with the boardwalk. We will return in the next week or so to rectify this.

5. The nearly completed boardwalk.

Whilst there we tried to improve the drainage around the kissing gate and dog-gate so walkers (and dogs) would not have to wade through deep puddles to get onto the moor. If funds can be found we will be able to put chippings around the gate and onto the paths leading to the boardwalk.

Today's work has been funded by generous individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.